Friday, January 27, 2012

Week 2 Blog Post

-In my week 1 blog post, I asked a series of questions regarding the topic, "sex work". By asking those questions I was able to generate 3 topics related to "sex work". In this weeks blog post, I am going to focus on the topic; Raising a family while working in the sex industry.

-I personally am not "connected" to this topic. I do not work in the sex industry and do not have children. However, this topic interests me because in today's society, many sex workers face harsh feedback for their job description. They are grilled with questions and comments regarding their morals and religious beliefs. The average person generally thinks that an individual working in the sex  industry cannot be a fit parent. Shockingly, many men and women enter the sex industry strictly to provide for their children. I think writing about this topic will not only give myself a whole new outlook on parents working in the sex industry, but also to those who are reading and following my blog postings.

-The research question I came up with for this topic is:
What are some daily challenges a person raising a family while working in the sex industry face?

-Some other questions I have developed while brainstorming this topic are:

  • What percentage of "sex workers" have children?
  • Does a person who is raising a family by day and working in the sex industry at night tell others in their community their job description? 
  • What specifically is the hardest part of being a parent and working in the sex industry?
  • Would a "sex worker" ever tell their child their job description when the child grew older?
  • How has becoming part of the sex industry affected an individual's relationships with their family and friends?
  • If a person working in the sex industry can change one common misconception of how people view "sex workers" what would it be? 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Week 1 Blog Post

-This semester, my English 105 class voted and decided that our main topic would be "sex work". Within the sex industry there are many occupations one can choose from. Many people who are not involved in the sex industry have negative opinions on the individuals who work in the sex industry, but what do the men and women who are involved in the industry think of each other? Does a porn star think he or she is better than the prostitute on the corner of the street? Also, can a person working in the sex industry live a normal life? If the individual is unhappy with their career choice, is it easy for them to get out of the sex industry?

Below is a list of 3 topics relating to "Sex Work" that I would be interested in writing about this semester
  1. Raising a family while working in the sex industry
  2. What the children with parents working in the sex industry think 
  3. Getting out of the sex industry 
-I am very interested in these topics because you never really hear about them when you are learning about the sex industry. People have very strong opinions about others working in the sex industry, but I never heard what a child had to say about their parents working in the sex industry. Also, I hear many stories about individuals entering the sex industry, but what if they want to get out? Is it easy? Do they get criticized for leaving? Many people think you cannot raise a family while working in such a "morally wrong" industry, however many people do. What is it like to raise a family and teach your children to respect themselves when you are selling your body for money?

-I personally do not have any connections to these topics. My parents do not work in the sex industry and I am not trying to get out of the sex industry. I am just a curious individual who think this topic is very interesting. Some people who may care about these topics are people who are interested in working in the sex industry, individuals that previously worked in the sex industry, and any other person  that gets interested when hearing about the sex industry.